Harmony Events
Pony Pals Club (ages 6 - 11)
Level up your horsemanship beyond the saddle
to become a well-rounded rider. Learn and get hands-on experience with topics including horse care, nutrition, health care,
stable management, conditioning, and more.
Horsemanship Skills Club (ages 12 and up)
Build your knowledge by mastering more advanced skills. Students will practice administering first aid, lunging, training theories, show care, and other important aspects of horse care.

Above the Bit Adult Club
Horsemanship-based social club for adults. Friends, fun, food, and unique demonstrations.
(Local meetups at restaurants are bound to happen).
Jr. Manager Volunteer Program
Our new exclusive program teaches our riders how to work around the barn safely and efficiently. They will gain skills such as stall cleaning, horse feeding, hall safety, and more.
In-House Show Series
Check Show Tab!